Universal Health-Care Coverage as Social Protection: Promoting a Sustainable Agenda for Bangladesh
The project elaborated a health-care eco-system approach in which household health-care financing solutions was embedded within a broader solution package. It was a multi-component policy advocacy effort covering policy-makers, health professionals, political actors and development partners.
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Comprehensive Assessment of Social Safety Nets in
Bangladesh 2010
The findings of the comprehensive study were published in two volumes: Volume 1 containing review of issues and analytical inventory and Volume 2 containing detailed assessment of ten selected programs.
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Bangladesh Urban Strategy Studies
A three-phase urban study to address the limitations in Bangladesh urban agenda and foster a scaled-up engagement on urban issues and enhancing the capacity of urban poverty statistics
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Bangladesh Recession Impact and Response Options Study 2009-2010
The study was undertaken to provide qualitative and quantitative assessment on direct and indirect impacts of the global economic crisis on human development outcomes, livelihoods, poverty and vulnerability in Bangladesh.
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Impact of Food Price Hike on the Poor
This policy study sought to look at the impact of the food price hike of 2007-08 and identify policy responses for the future.
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Scaling up Comprehensive Monga Mitigation: Research Study of Four Districts 2006-2007
The project produced a unique and comprehensive household and community-level data-base of the monga-affected population.
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Governance and Social Trends Study
The study initiated a comprehensive re-thinking on governance indicators and developed a contextually-rooted analytical framework broadening the discourse to issues of institutional, interface and civic quality. The report was published in 2007 based on national-level survey and extensive qualitative analysis in selected thematic fields. An intense participatory process was undertaken to develop the survey instruments. A total 4,530 respondents were surveyed across the country.
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Promotion of Grass-Root Research Capacity and National Advocacy on Primary Education 2004
This capacity-building and advocacy study was completed. A network of eight grass-root NGOs were trained and a national advocacy platform Shushikkha Andolon formed
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Purposive Study to Assist Poverty Analysis in PRSP
Panel re-survey of 62 villages and selected policy studies to assist poverty analysis in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)
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Study on Community Capacities and Local Governance
This study was of an action research nature focused on local governance. The two key components of this study were:
1) “Best practices” in local governance.
2) Development of a municipal report card
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Informal Governance and Local Development Study
This project included three separate studies:
i) Noakhali Participatory Governance and Local Dev Project
ii) Informal Governance Study
iii) Study on Graam Sarker Decentralisation Strategy making
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Road Safety in Bangaldesh
A holistic Causal Analysis on road safety to inform an appropriate advocacy strategy on safety on the road.
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The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh since March 2020 has seen the simultaneous unfolding of an unprecedented health and economic crisis affecting the entire society but with particularly adverse consequences for the poor and the vulnerable. Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC) and BRAC Institute for Governance and Development (BIGD), two Dhaka-based research centres, have undertaken a large-scale household panel survey through telephonic interviews to generate real-time evidence on household-level economic realities in urban and rural Bangladesh. Five rounds of the survey were conducted and PPRC was generously supported by the World Food Program (WFP) for the third and fourth surveys.
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Rapid Gender Assessment of Road Safety
PPRC with the support of the World Bank has carried out a Rapid Gender Assessment for the proposed Bangladesh Road Safety Project. This was a qualitative study based on in-depth consultation with a wide range of stakeholders including groups of female road and transport users. Findings from the study were shared through a policy webinar in December 2021 titled “Towards a Gender-Sensitive Road Safety Agenda”.
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Urban Governance Services for Women and Children
PPRC, in collaboration with Unicef, conducted a study on the “Governance of Urban Services for Women and Children”. Findings from the study contributed to a background paper for the 8th Five Year Plan of the Government of Bangladesh. The study addressed the critical challenge facing a rapidly urbanizing Bangladesh of transforming the cities into drivers of equitable economic opportunities and quality living. This is especially challenging for women and children who face endemic structural and social inequities in their access to urban services as well as in their routine social and economic existence.
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Safety Nets Process Monitoring (Spot Check)
Given the scale of the poverty challenge in Bangladesh and newer risks emerging from rapid processes of urbanization, global economic integration and climate change, extending the reach of Social Safety Nets and ensuring their greater efficacy remains a policy priority. PPRC has been entrusted by MoDMR to do a third party assessment of these programmes. Using a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative techniques, PPRC will carry out performance monitoring, create beneficiary profiles, recommend specific operational steps, generate qualitative insights on project dynamics and identify reform opportunities.
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Defining the excluded groups, mapping their current situation and strengthening their capacity and partnerships
A three and a half year project launched in February 2016. Under the project, a combination of research, investigation, dissemination of knowledge products, sharing skills and efforts to promote participation and representation of the socially excluded groups of Bangladesh is applied to effectively map the communities and focus on their specific predicaments and requirements. The project is a participatory initiative.
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Prerona- Promoting Multi-Stakeholder Engagement on UHC through Innovative Grass- root Advocacy
The central activity of the project was regional dialogue series on innovative UHC advocacy The overall objective was to disseminate core UHC messages to regional constituencies while also eliciting grounded ideas about sustainable paths towards realizing UHC goals.